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基本模型SD 1.5

Stable Diffusion提示词

<lora:liminalSpaceLora_v2Deliberate:0.75> The subject of this artwork is the interplay between our concept of the universe and our concept of self., The Magus: An artist creating a masterpiece while surrounded by their tools and materials, symbolizing creativity and manifestation.,, Dystopian, airbrush Winter Pattachitra, gold adroit A person walking on a tightrope between two skyscrapers, representing the risks and rewards of taking chances. In a post-apocalyptic cityscape, Western, art nouveau, polarized light, eye strain, dark academia dystopian chillwave, Abstract expressionism, by Cory Loftis, Cesare Laurenti, Bastien Lecouffe Deharme and Roccoco, funk art, 1950s suburbia, solarpunk LIMINAL SPACE Astronaut photograph
Negative prompt: ng_deepnegative_v1_75t bad-hands-5 bad-image-v2-39000 bad_prompt_version2, not 1.618, amateurish, grainy, imperfections, unchallenging, safe, stale, bad aesthetics, unaesthetic, bad color palette, poor subject framing, badly cropped, subject off-center, blurry, blurred subjects, indistinct subject, subject out of frame, missing subject, wrong subject, no subject, bad subject, dull subject, oversaturated subject, sloppy detail, poor structuring, Closed corner, Halved shape, Fused edges, object with frame, bad object blending, antlers on objects, Split apex, Stolen edge, badly joined, Skimmed edge, random objects, highlight at 90-degree angle to the light source, reflected light darker than a cast shadow or lighter than the shadow area that appears on the periphery of the area in direct light, shadow not darkest where it is closest to the form, invalid tag, duplicate, compression artefacts, pixelated, jagged pixels, low-res, error, cropped, jpeg artefacts, bad Anti-Aliasing, jagged lines, random lines, lumpy mess, warp, wobble, distortion, blocky render, not correct, bad form, glitchy, bad object detection, bad object collision detection, bad object phasing, too long, too short, unrealistic object placement, vague details, poor conceptualization, poor composition, bad angles, distorted perception, bad perspective, uncreative, boring, dull, common, sloppy, mishmash, mutilated body, deformed body, headless, double-headed, merged bodies, warped body, incomplete body, disproportioned anatomy, amputation, amputee, long neck, bad neck, craning neck, backward head, head turned too far, impossible posture, bad proportions, poorly rendered face, misaligned ears, twisted mouth, bucktoothed, cloned face, misaligned features, bad eyes,  eye, cross-eyed, walleyed, patchy hair, frizzy hair, malformed, missing arms, missing legs, missing feet, holding hands, bad hands, disproportionate hands, tiny hands, mutilated hands, hand on hand, poorly rendered hands, missing hands, extra digit, fewer digits, elongated fingers, missing fingers, missing toes, fused fingers, reversed thumb, bad grip, extra arms, extra fingers, blurred fingers, missing legs, extra legs, extra feet, object held improperly, floating feet, not grounded, wrong side, bad physics, bad science, bad chemistry, bad psychology, bad philosophy, poor symbolism, non-archetypal, arbitrary, bad blend, unappealing, unfinished, not polished, low definition, unclear composition, incomplete composition, bad lighting, bad effects, bad direction, bad cinematography, derivative, unoriginal, numbers, kanji, comic book cover, magazine cover, meme image, meme text, text, speech bubble, picture border, picture frame, a photograph of a painting, browser, screen capture, journal, comic book, magazine, advertisement, cape, umbrella, parasol, missing parts, bad cropping, arbitrary, random chaos, nonsense, signature, signed, autographed, username, artist name, watermark, stamped, copywrite, logo, horizontal aspect ratio, vertical aspect ratio, kaleidoscope, mandala
Steps: 40, Sampler: DPM++ 2M Karras, CFG scale: 22.5, Seed: 1110088358, Size: 512x512, Model hash: 79e02bb2cc, Model: neurocontrastdream_v15, Denoising strength: 0.35, ENSD: -1, Hires upscale: 2, Hires steps: 20, Hires upscaler: LDSR, Discard penultimate sigma: True, Score: 6.39
Template: <lora:liminalSpaceLora_v2Deliberate:0.75> The subject of this artwork is the interplay between our concept of the universe and our concept of self., __majorarcanamodernscene__,, __genre__, __med__  __general_aesthetics__ __medium__, __noun-general__  __adjectives__  __metaphor__ __mywildcards__, __styles__, __style__, __light__, __color__, __gen-modifier__ __quality__ __aesthetic__, __artmovement__,  by __artistlist__, __symbolism__, __figurative__ and __artist__, __high__, __high__, __high__ LIMINAL SPACE
Negative Template: ng_deepnegative_v1_75t bad-hands-5 bad-image-v2-39000 bad_prompt_version2
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