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PinkiePie pony mix半写实模型

PinkiePie pony mix半写实模型

模型版本:v2.0 Fp16
模型大小:6.46 GB




  • RealDream(作者@sinatra 基础模型
  • tangbohu-lofi-pony-basemodel (by @ tangbohu ) 增强基础模型
  • yaminabepony(由@ KKTT6783提供)添加漂亮的亚洲面部风格。


模型混合器 https://github.com/wkpark/sd-webui-model-mixer用于一步混合所有 3 个模型。配方详细信息包含在模型检查点或一些图像中。(因此您可以使用模型混合器轻松使用/修改此配方)

  • 包括 VAE。

这是带有 model-mixer 扩展的 sd-webui 的屏幕截图:

PinkiePie pony mix半写实模型插图10


步骤#1:基础模型 A + 模型 B x 0.3 = mix_A(不包括文本编码器)DARE合并方法(模型混合器支持简化的 DARE 方法)

PinkiePie pony mix半写实模型插图11

– 经过反复试验,OUT01从 减少0.30.1

步骤 #2:块级混合 – mix_A + 模型 C = 最终混合 – DARE合并方法

PinkiePie pony mix半写实模型插图12

– 解释:块级别在 MID + OUT00~OUT08 上合并。

– SDXL OUT00 ~ OUT02 块效果广泛,尤其对脸部风格有影响。

– 注意:DARE 方法内部使用随机枢轴,因此每次合并过程中的结果可能略有不同。

调整设置:这是调整设置,以优化模型的细节和色调,time_embed.*并且out.*权重已调整(请参阅https://github.com/hako-m ​​ikan/sd-webui-supermerger?tab=readme-ov-file#adjust )

PinkiePie pony mix半写实模型插图13


PinkiePie pony mix半写实模型插图14
  • 建议设置剪辑跳过:2(剪辑跳过:1 也可以),ENSD:31337

有用的 AUTOMATIC1111 的 webui 扩展

推荐使用以下 sd-webui 扩展。


原始 Pony-diffusion v4 许可证放弃“相同的许可限制”,因此除了相同的许可限制之外,我没有添加任何限制。(请参阅https://huggingface.co/AstraliteHeart/pony-diffusion-v4https://huggingface.co/spaces/CompVis/stable-diffusion-license









具体来说,OpenRAIL-M 许可证允许用户拥有自己生成的图像的版权,并将这些图像用于商业用途​ ( Stable Diffusion ) ​​( Baseten )。这种开放性支持从创意项目到商业服务的广泛应用,使企业和个人能够利用该模型的功能实现各种目的。

因此,如果您考虑将 Stable Diffusion 用于商业产品或服务,许可条款确实支持此类使用,只要遵循许可证中概述的准则和限制。(来自 chatgpt)


PinkiePie pony mix半写实模型插图15
score_9,score_8_up,score_7_up, photo realistic, 20 years old, 8k, hd, beautiful girl,(japanese|chinese|korean) mix, film grain,
1girl, depth of field, solo, upper body, backlighting,
Canon RF85mm f/1.2,best quality,(beautiful long  slender legs), (a seductive and beautiful woman), (closeup face), shiny_white_skin,necklace,earrings,
bridal veil,lace-trimmed dress,wedding dress,white dress,bride, best quality,masterpiece,highres,official art,,white palace, tiara,marvelous, gorgeous, noble,gothic architecture, Jewelry,
Negative prompt: score_6,score_5,score_4, (worst quality:1.8), (low quality:1.5), (normal quality:1.5), bad anatomy, bad hands, missing fingers, fewer digits, source_furry, source_pony, source_cartoon,3d, blurry,
Steps: 25, ENSD: 31337, Size: 800x1400, Seed: 3044745933, Model: pinkiepiePonyMix_v14Fp16, Version: v1.9.3-10-g1dd8c4235, Sampler: Euler a, CFG mode: Half Cosine Up, CFG scale: 10, Clip skip: 2, Mask blur: 4, Model hash: 51e1cc63ab, Mimic scale: 7, Inpaint area: Only masked, Schedule type: Automatic, Hypertile U-Net: True, Interpolate Phi: 1, CFG scale minimum: 3, MuDDetailer steps: 0, Denoising strength: 0.4, MuDDetailer conf a: 30, Scaling Startpoint: MEAN, Masked area padding: 32, MuDDetailer model a: bbox/face_yolov8s.pth [f7150f50], Variability Measure: AD, Threshold percentile: 99, MuDDetailer CFG scale: 0, MuDDetailer denoising: 0.4, MuDDetailer mask blur: 4, MuDDetailer dilation a: 4, MuDDetailer offset x a: 0, MuDDetailer offset y a: 0, MuDDetailer detection a: [object Object], MuDDetailer inpaint full: True, Discard penultimate sigma: True, MuDDetailer inpaint width: 0, Separate Feature Channels: True, MuDDetailer inpaint height: 0, MuDDetailer inpaint padding: 32, MuDDetailer max detection a: 10, MuDDetailer use prompt edit: False, Dynamic thresholding enabled: True, MuDDetailer noise multiplier: 0, Hypertile U-Net max tile size: 512, MuDDetailer use prompt edit b: False
PinkiePie pony mix半写实模型插图16
score_9,score_8_up,score_7_up,red background,1girl,solo,looking at viewer,sitting,full body,<lora:lemon0001-Raiden Shogun Police Officer_pony_v1:0.9>,lemon0001,arm strap,puffy short sleeves,belt,half gloves,buttons,jewelry,black pantyhose,thigh strap,high heels,
Negative prompt: score_6,score_5,score_4,worst quality,low quality,bad anatomy,bad hands,missing fingers,fewer digits,source_furry,source_pony,source_cartoon,3d,blurry,white background,
Steps: 30, VAE: sdxl_vae.safetensors, ENSD: 31337, Size: 768x1152, Seed: 3893218252, Model: pinkiepiePonyMix_v14Fp16, Version: f0.0.17v1.8.0rc-latest-276-g29be1da7, Sampler: Euler a, CFG scale: 7, Clip skip: 2, Model hash: 51e1cc63ab, Hires steps: 20, Hires upscale: 1.1, Hires upscaler: R-ESRGAN 4x+, ADetailer model: face_yolov8n.pt, ADetailer version: 24.5.1, Denoising strength: 0.4, ADetailer mask blur: 4, ADetailer confidence: 0.3, ADetailer dilate erode: 4, ADetailer inpaint padding: 32, ADetailer denoising strength: 0.4, ADetailer inpaint only masked: True
PinkiePie pony mix半写实模型插图17
,score_9,score_8_up,score_7_up, 20 years old, 8k, hd, beautiful girl, black hair, very long hair, straight hair, closed mouth,
1girl, detailed face, beautiful woman's face, sweater, red background, looking at viewer,
Negative prompt: score_6,score_5,score_4, (worst quality:2), (low quality:1.4), (normal quality:1.2), bad anatomy, bad hands, missing fingers, fewer digits, source_furry, source_pony, source_cartoon,3d, blurry,
Steps: 25, ENSD: 31337, Size: 800x1200, Seed: 3044745923, Model: pinkiepiePonyMix_v14Fp16, Version: v1.9.3-10-g1dd8c4235, Sampler: Euler a, CFG mode: Half Cosine Up, CFG scale: 10, Clip skip: 2, Mask blur: 4, Model hash: 51e1cc63ab, Mimic scale: 7, Inpaint area: Only masked, Schedule type: Automatic, Hypertile U-Net: True, Interpolate Phi: 1, CFG scale minimum: 3, MuDDetailer steps: 0, Denoising strength: 0.4, MuDDetailer conf a: 30, Scaling Startpoint: MEAN, Masked area padding: 32, MuDDetailer model a: bbox/face_yolov8s.pth [f7150f50], Variability Measure: AD, Threshold percentile: 99, MuDDetailer CFG scale: 0, MuDDetailer denoising: 0.4, MuDDetailer mask blur: 4, MuDDetailer dilation a: 4, MuDDetailer offset x a: 0, MuDDetailer offset y a: 0, MuDDetailer detection a: [object Object], MuDDetailer inpaint full: True, Discard penultimate sigma: True, MuDDetailer inpaint width: 0, Separate Feature Channels: True, MuDDetailer inpaint height: 0, MuDDetailer inpaint padding: 32, MuDDetailer max detection a: 10, MuDDetailer use prompt edit: False, Dynamic thresholding enabled: True, MuDDetailer noise multiplier: 0, Hypertile U-Net max tile size: 512, MuDDetailer use prompt edit b: False
模型版本:v2.0 Fp16
模型大小:6.46 GB
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