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Fast photo pony写实模型

Fast photo pony写实模型

模型大小:6.46 GB


两种超级版本的经验法则是,如果您得到伪影,要么是我们的 cfg 太高,要么是您的步数太低。超级版本是Euler 和Euler  a,只有大多数其他采样器实际上不起作用。

触发词:score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, score_6_up
使用提示:CLIP SKIP: 2


版本 6 似乎适用于大多数采样器,但我不确定是否会推荐 Euler a。

删除了 5.1,因为错误太多,所以我删除了它。
不确定剪辑合并是否是个好主意,尤其是对于 Pony 模型。

删除了 T5 剪辑合并,因为它看起来不起作用,或者只对 A1111 有效。如果您使用的是 Comfy UI,则 v4 是否带有 T5 没有区别。

我的快速 Pony 合并的真实版本 9。

我决定用一个新名字发布这篇文章,这样我就能尝试得到我想要的外观(比在另一个文章中我试图保持 Pony 的完整性)。

我认为我还没有破坏任何像 Pony 这样的东西……

然而,由于它基于 7.5 版本,因此将保留名称为“快速”,并且您可以通过 10-12 个步骤获得不错的结果。

不要使用 Euler a,尤其是版本 2(至少对我来说它会导致问题)
DPM ++ 采样器很好



Fast photo pony写实模型插图12
portrait of a regal woman with long, wavy auburn hair draped over her shoulders. She has a fair complexion with striking green eyes and full lips painted a deep burgundy. Her expression is serene, with a touch of melancholy. She is dressed in a luxurious velvet robe in a rich burgundy shade that complements her hair. Adorning her head is an ornate halo-like headpiece, radiating spikes embellished with intricate filigree patterns and embedded with an array of gemstones that catch the light. The background should be a textured, old gold leaf wall that adds an antique charm to the composition, making the subject appear as if she is a part of a Renaissance painting, (raw,score_8_up),photo, raw,realistic
Negative prompt: score_1,low-res,bad hands, deformed, extra fingers, low quality, moire, overexposure, poor quality, jpeg artifacts, censored, low res, low resolution,3d,(more than 5 fingers)(more than 6 toe),(4toe),render,cartoon,broken,bad anatomy,censored,broken image,cartoon,bad arts,fat,(nail polish),collage,zooming in, close up, hairy, bad face, undetailed face, bad facial features, bad eyes, unnatural eyes
Steps: 12, RNG: NV, VAE: fixFP16ErrorsSDXLLowerMemoryUse_v10.safetensors, Size: 680x1024, Seed: 1423523737, Model: fastPhotoPony_v7_um04, Version: v1.9.4, Sampler: DPM++ 2S a, CFG scale: 5, Clip skip: 2, Model hash: 7b06d93ea4, Hires steps: 10, Hires upscale: 1.5, Schedule type: Karras, Hires upscaler: 1x-ITF-SkinDiffDetail-Lite-v1, ADetailer model: face_yolov8n.pt, ADetailer version: 24.6.0, Denoising strength: 0.3, ADetailer mask blur: 8, ADetailer model 2nd: hand_yolov8n.pt, ADetailer confidence: 0.3, Style Selector Style: base, ADetailer dilate erode: 4, Style Selector Enabled: True, ADetailer inpaint width: 1024, ADetailer mask blur 2nd: 8, ADetailer confidence 2nd: 0.3, ADetailer inpaint height: 1024, Style Selector Randomize: False, ADetailer inpaint padding: 64, ADetailer dilate erode 2nd: 4, ADetailer inpaint width 2nd: 1024, ADetailer denoising strength: 0.3, ADetailer inpaint height 2nd: 1024, ADetailer inpaint only masked: True, ADetailer inpaint padding 2nd: 64, ADetailer denoising strength 2nd: 0.3, ADetailer inpaint only masked 2nd: True, ADetailer mask only top k largest: 1, ADetailer use inpaint width height: True, ADetailer use inpaint width height 2nd: True
Fast photo pony写实模型插图13
A beautiful illustration of an elegant woman in a dark green gown, with long black hair, glowing emerald eyes and pale skin. It is a full body shot with a fantasy background and fantasy art aesthetic. The full-length portrait features glowing light effects, a magical atmosphere, dark shadows and glowing smoke clouds in the fantasy setting and style,, score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, score_6_up
Negative prompt: source_furry, source_pony, source_anime, source_cartoon, 3d, render, bad hands, fewer digits, extra digits, amateur drawing
Steps: 25, RNG: CPU, VAE: fixFP16ErrorsSDXLLowerMemoryUse_v10.safetensors, Size: 768x1024, Seed: 812973604, Model: fastPhotoPony_v7_um04, Version: v1.9.4, Sampler: DPM++ 2M, CFG scale: 7, Clip skip: 2, Model hash: 7b06d93ea4, Hires steps: 12, Hires upscale: 2, Schedule type: Karras, Hires upscaler: 1x-ITF-SkinDiffDetail-Lite-v1, ADetailer model: face_yolov8n.pt, ADetailer version: 24.6.0, Denoising strength: 0.35, ADetailer mask blur: 8, ADetailer model 2nd: hand_yolov8n.pt, ADetailer confidence: 0.6, Style Selector Style: base, ADetailer dilate erode: 4, Style Selector Enabled: True, ADetailer inpaint width: 1024, ADetailer mask blur 2nd: 8, ADetailer confidence 2nd: 0.3, ADetailer inpaint height: 1024, Style Selector Randomize: False, ADetailer inpaint padding: 64, ADetailer dilate erode 2nd: 4, ADetailer inpaint width 2nd: 1024, ADetailer denoising strength: 0.3, ADetailer inpaint height 2nd: 1024, ADetailer inpaint only masked: True, ADetailer inpaint padding 2nd: 64, ADetailer denoising strength 2nd: 0.3, ADetailer inpaint only masked 2nd: True, ADetailer mask only top k largest: 1, ADetailer use inpaint width height: True, ADetailer use inpaint width height 2nd: True
Fast photo pony写实模型插图14
analog photography,photo shoot,(score_9,score_8_up,score_7_up),glowing style,horns, holding sword, red eyes, glowing eyes, 1boy, solo, monster, black armor, gauntlets, dragon, male focus, helmet, cape, glowing sword, pauldrons, demon, breastplate, full armor, <lora:glowing_style_XL_16E_GPmixV_V1.7:1>
Negative prompt: (worst quality),(low quality),(normal quality),lowres,bad anatomy,bad hands,normal quality,lowres,
Steps: 30, Size: 768x1152, Seed: 678738815, Model: fastPhotoPony_v70, Version: f0.0.17v1.8.0rc-latest-278-gbfee03d8, Sampler: Euler, CFG scale: 5, Clip skip: 2, Model hash: 7b06d93ea4, Hires upscale: 1.5, Hires upscaler: 4x_RealisticRescaler_100000_G, Denoising strength: 0.3
模型大小:6.46 GB
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