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基于模型:Flux.1 D
模型大小:10.4 GB



这是NF4版本。这是包含 Unet、Clip 和 VAE 的检查点。我已将此版本缩小。希望您满意并可以测试它。

这是 Checkpoint。CLIP 和 VAE 已开启

这是我在 Flux 上训练的模型,旨在创建更加多样化和逼真的面孔。结果显示解剖结构、面部特征和整体真实感都有所改善。然而,副作用是图像中会出现噪音。这可以用任何升级器来纠正 – 只需找到适合您的升级器即可。该模型在几个小时内使用强大的 H100 卡对大约 7,000 张图像进行了训练。如果测试结果大多为阳性,我将在更大的数据集上对其进行训练。

由于预算限制,训练步骤的数量有限。此外,我使用了数据集的一小部分(仅 7,000 张图像),以减少训练时间。有机会时,我计划训练一个更精细的模型。您可以随意使用此模型,但请记住遵守 Black Forest Lab 许可条款。


"A striking digital artwork of a woman with black and red paint on her face. The left side of her face is warm-toned, with soft oranges and reds, while the right side is cold, with cool blues and icy tones. Snow and ice elements are integrated into the right side, with frost covering parts of her skin and hair. The background features a gradient transitioning from white to deep red on the warm side, and from white to icy blue on the cold side. Torn and jagged edges create a raw, distressed look. The overall composition has high contrast, with sharp details and dramatic lighting, emphasizing the contrast between warmth and coldness, creating a haunting yet captivating appearance.
Steps: 28, CFG scale: 2.9, Sampler: DPM++ 2M, Seed: 66235594317285
A striking image of a woman standing at the summit of a snow-covered mountain, her face and hair battered by a fierce snowstorm, capturing a sense of intense, dynamic realism. She stands with her arms outstretched and her eyes cast upwards, gazing into the swirling vortex of snow and cloud above. The image features a gradient background transitioning from a deep, foreboding grey to a blindingly bright white, with snowflakes swirling around her in a maddening dance.

Her face is a map of pain and anger, etched with deep lines and creases that speak to a life spent suffering. Her eyes are a deep, piercing blue, but they burn with a fierce inner fire, a fire that seems to consume her from the inside out. They are eyes that have seen the worst of humanity, eyes that have witnessed the depths of human cruelty and suffering.

Her eyebrows are furrowed, her brow creased in a mixture of pain and anger. Her lips are thin and pressed together, her jaw clenched in a fierce determination. Her skin is pale and drawn, with a subtle sheen of moisture that suggests she's been crying for a long time.

The snowflakes dance around her face, clinging to her eyelashes and eyebrows, but they seem to melt away in the face of her inner fire. Her hair is long and dark, blown back by the wind, with a few stray strands clinging to her forehead. But it's her eyes that are the true focal point of the image, eyes that seem to bore into the soul of the viewer.

The overall composition is one of intense energy and dynamism, as if the snowstorm is about to consume her whole. But it's not just the storm that's consuming her - it's her own inner turmoil, her own pain and anger. The artwork is inspired by the raw power of human emotion, giving it a haunting and awe-inspiring appearance, as if created using Affinity Photo.
Steps: 24, CFG scale: 2.9, Sampler: DPM++ 2M, Seed: 162096085997234
Create a highly realistic photo A woman's body, the whiteness of the hills, white thighs,
you are like the world, ready to surrender.
Crazy farmhand, my body undermines you
and tears the child from the depths of this firmament.

I was lonely as a tunnel. Birds flew away from me,
and the powerful night began to approach me.
Just to survive, I forged you as a weapon,
like an arrow for a bow, like a stone in my sling.

Please ensure the final image is of exceptional quality, with precise attention to detail and a lifelike appearance
Steps: 24, Sampler: DPM++ 2M, Seed: 294206213407158
基于模型:Flux.1 D
模型大小:10.4 GB
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