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AniMerge Pony XL角色写实模型

AniMerge Pony XL角色写实模型

模型大小:6.5 GB



我必须承认,做这个 AniMerge 比想象中要难,为了找到最正确的设置,我花了 4 天的时间尝试并创建了 2000 多张图像。



触发词:(RAW photo)
(hyperrealistic photo)
(realistc skin:1.4)
使用提示:CLIP SKIP: 2



  • 设置 COMMANDLINE_ARGS= –xformers –skip-torch-cuda-test –no-half-vae
    (如果您的 VRam 较低,请尝试添加–medvram -sdxl–lowvram,这可以帮助您,但它会减慢图像创建速度)

如果您无法安装 xFormers(请参阅下文)请使用我的Google Colab 设置

  • 设置 COMMANDLINE_ARGS= –disable-model-loading-ram-optimization –opt-sdp-no-mem-attention –no-half-vae
    (如果您的 VRam 较低,请尝试添加–medvram -sdxl–lowvram ,它们可以帮助您,但它会减慢图像创建速度)

我的 A1111 版本:版本:v1.9.3 • python:3.10.11 • torch:2.1.2+cu121 • xformers:0.0.23.post1 • gradio:3.41.2 • 

如果您想像我的家用电脑 一样激活 xformers 优化(如何安装 xFormers):

  • 在 A1111 中单击“设置选项卡
  • 在左侧栏中,点击“优化
  • 在:“交叉注意优化”中选择:“ xformers ”
  • 按“应用设置
  • 重启稳定扩散

如果你无法安装 xFormers,请使用 SDP-ATTENTION,例如我的 Google Colab

  • 在 A1111 中单击“设置选项卡
  • 在左侧栏中,点击“优化
  • 在:“交叉注意力优化”中选择:“ sdp-no-mem – 无记忆高效注意力的缩放点积
  • 按“应用设置
  • 重启稳定扩散

如何模拟 nvidia GPU 请按照以下步骤操作

  • 在 A1111 中单击“设置选项卡
  • 在左侧栏中,点击“显示所有页面
  • 搜索“随机数生成器源
  • 选择语音:“ NV ”
  • 按“应用设置
  • 重启稳定扩散

如果您使用我的模型,请为您的 A1111安装ADetailer扩展。

导航到Stable Diffusion 中的“扩展”选项卡。

  • 转到“从 URL 安装”子部分。
  • 在“扩展的 git 存储库的 URL”下输入此链接: https: //github.com/Bing-su/adetailer
  • 点击“安装”按钮安装扩展
  • 重启稳定扩散

如何安装 Euler Max Sampler:

  • 在 A1111 中单击“扩展选项卡
  • 点击“从 URL 安装
  • 在“扩展的 git 存储库的 URL”下输入此链接:https://github.com/licyk/advanced_euler_sampler_extension
  • 安装后点击:“已安装”选项卡
  • 点击“应用并退出
  • 重启稳定扩散
  • 现在,在采样器列表的末尾,您有了新的采样器。

  • VAE: 一个特殊的 VAE 已经包含在内,你不需要它 – (感谢nuaion
  • Clip skip:  2(仍在测试
  • Upscaler: 4x-Ultrasharp4X NMKD Superscale
  • 宽度: 768-(可能更多,但我没有测试过)
  • 高度: 1280-(可能更多,但我没有测试过)
  • CFG Scale: 5~7(可能也是从 3 开始,但我还没有测试过
  • 步数:20~30

  • 我发现的最好的
    • CFG:6
    • 步骤:30
    • 采样最喜欢的方法: DPM++ 2M
    • Scheduler:SGM Uniform
    • 一般提示示例
    • 积极提示: score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, (RAW photo)(type of shot)(Subject), [the description], (background), more details.
    • 示例:(RAW photo), (upper body photo), (Native American Woman), 20yo, slim, skinny, adorned with traditional regalia and feathers, standing, (Canyon background), (intricate details), (dynamic angle), (cinematic lights), seductive, innocent, (realistic skin:1.4), slim, skinny, detailed Native American tribal dress, sharp, (analog film grain)
    • 负面提示: score_6, score_5, score_4, cartoon, painting, illustration, 3D rendering, CG, Unreal engine, fake, plastic, doll, ugly, old, fat, grayscale

HiRes.Fix 设置:

我不使用 Hi.Res Fix,因为:


2) 我的模型不需要它。使用 txt2image、aderailer 和资源选项卡中建议的升级器。

如果您仍想使用它,这是MarkWar发给我的设置 。

Hires upscale: 1.5

Hires steps: 20~30

Hires upscaler: R-ESRGAN 4x + Anime6B,

Denoising strength: 0.4

Adetailer: face_yolov8n

该模型可免费供个人 使用,并可免费供个人合并( * )。



AniMerge Pony XL角色写实模型插图14
score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, (RAW photo), (upper body photo), seductive, (Alita), (Battle Angel Alita), mechanical arms, full cyborg body parts, glowing, sitting, bobbed hair, floating hair, narrow hips, slim, skinny, adult, flirting, (detailed cybernetic body), (light smile:0.3), full lips, glossy, softlight passing through hair, (futuristic city background), (dynamic angle), (cinematic lights), (intricate details), (dynamic angle), (cinematic lights), dark mood, dystopia, (intricate details), (dynamic angle), (cinematic lights), seductive, innocent, (realistic skin:1.4), sharp, (analog film grain)
Negative prompt: score_6, score_5, score_4, cartoon, painting, illustration, 3D rendering, CG, Unreal engine, ugly, old, fat, topless, nude, naked, nsfw, grayscale
Steps: 30, CFG scale: 6, Sampler: DPM++ 2M, Seed: 2953175234, RNG: NV, Size: 768x1280, Model: AniMerge-Pony-XL-VAE-v1.0.fp16, Version: v1.9.4, Mask blur: 4, FP8 weight: Enable, Model hash: d410f21a4d, Inpaint area: Only masked, Schedule type: Karras, ADetailer model: face_yolov8n.pt, ADetailer version: 24.1.2, Denoising strength: 0.5, ADetailer mask blur: 4, Masked area padding: 32, ADetailer confidence: 0.3, ADetailer dilate erode: 4, ADetailer inpaint width: 768, ADetailer inpaint height: 768, ADetailer inpaint padding: 32, Cache FP16 weight for LoRA: True, ADetailer denoising strength: 0.5, ADetailer inpaint only masked: True, ADetailer use inpaint width height: True, Clip skip: 2
AniMerge Pony XL角色写实模型插图15
score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, (RAW photo), woman in (Elsa of Arendelle) detailed cosplay, cowboy shot, dark cape, dark dress, fur trim, single braid, snowflake pattern, (light smile:0.3), full lips, glossy, snow, (intricate details), (dynamic angle), (cinematic lights), seductive, innocent, (realistic skin:1.4), sharp, (analog film grain)
Negative prompt: score_6, score_5, score_4, cartoon, painting, illustration, 3D rendering, CG, Unreal engine, ugly, old, fat, topless, nude, naked, nsfw, grayscale
Steps: 30, CFG scale: 6, Sampler: DPM++ 2M, Seed: 3866362322, RNG: NV, Size: 768x1280, Model: AniMerge-Pony-XL-VAE-v1.0.fp16, Version: v1.9.3, Mask blur: 4, Model hash: d410f21a4d, Inpaint area: Only masked, Schedule type: Karras, ADetailer model: face_yolov8n.pt, ADetailer version: 24.1.2, Denoising strength: 0.5, ADetailer mask blur: 4, Masked area padding: 32, ADetailer confidence: 0.3, ADetailer dilate erode: 4, ADetailer inpaint width: 768, ADetailer inpaint height: 768, ADetailer inpaint padding: 32, ADetailer denoising strength: 0.5, ADetailer inpaint only masked: True, ADetailer use inpaint width height: True, Clip skip: 2
AniMerge Pony XL角色写实模型插图16
score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, (RAW photo), skinny fashion cute italian model, (Rei Ayanami), white evangelion bodysuit, flirting, light smile:0.3, full lips, glossy, head tilt, detailed face, (sunset, lake background), (intricate details), (dynamic angle), (cinematic lights), seductive, innocent, (realistic skin:1.4), sharp, (analog film grain)
Negative prompt: score_6, score_5, score_4, cartoon, painting, illustration, 3D rendering, CG, Unreal engine, ugly, old, fat, topless, nude, naked, nsfw, grayscale
Steps: 30, CFG scale: 6, Sampler: DPM++ 2M, Seed: 829238465, RNG: NV, Size: 768x1280, Model: AniMerge-Pony-XL-VAE-v1.0.fp16, Version: v1.9.3, Mask blur: 4, Model hash: d410f21a4d, Inpaint area: Only masked, Schedule type: Karras, ADetailer model: face_yolov8n.pt, ADetailer version: 24.1.2, Denoising strength: 0.5, ADetailer mask blur: 4, Masked area padding: 32, ADetailer confidence: 0.3, ADetailer dilate erode: 4, ADetailer inpaint width: 768, ADetailer inpaint height: 768, ADetailer inpaint padding: 32, ADetailer denoising strength: 0.5, ADetailer inpaint only masked: True, ADetailer use inpaint width height: True, Clip skip: 2
模型大小:6.5 GB
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