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模型大小:292 MB
V4-Soap V3 V2


大家好,在使用 Lora 之前请阅读此内容

V4-Soap 测试:

我不知道它是否好用,所以我将其标记为“测试”。您可以根据需要尝试,也可以坚持使用 v3 或 v2。如果您想使用它,我强烈建议以 1344×1728/1440×1800(可获得最佳效果)或 1728×1344 生成

  • 精简后的  CFG Scale: 3.5
  • 采样方法和计划类型:DEIS with DDIM
  • 步数: >=20(我只使用 20)
  • 分辨率: 1344×1728 / 1440×1800(效果最佳)或 1728×1344。如果速度慢,请以 896×1152(效果最佳)或 1152×896 生成并使用修复程序
  • Lora 权重:在我看来,0.35 就很好了。如果你对结果不满意,也可以改为 0.4 或 0.5。我认为 >0.6 就不好了。如果你以 2048×1536 生成,那么 0.6 就没问题了
  • 积极提示:无需使用 v2 和 v3 的提示格式(例如“Amateur photography”并以“ on flickr in 2007, 2005 blog, 2007 blog”结尾)。请参阅此页面右侧的触发词(好吧,它不是触发词,但它是我测试它的方式,对我来说效果很好)。不过,详细的提示总是最好的。查看我的示例图像以了解我如何提示它

这是我第一次尝试制作 SOAP lora。如果您测试过,请分享您的反馈。谢谢

  • 精炼  CFG Scale: >= 3.5(我使用 4)
  • 采样方法和计划类型: Heun 与 BETA 或 DEIS 与 DDIM(请记住,Heun 将生成时间加倍,但在我看来它提供了最佳质量 – 但您也可以使用其他采样方法。我只列出了我通常使用的方法)
  • 步数: >=20(我只使用 20)
  • 分辨率: Flux 能够处理任何分辨率。我个人使用 896×1152 或 1152×896 或 2048×1536 或 1536×2048(所有训练数据集图像均为 2048×1536 或 1536×2048 – 以 1024 分辨率进行分组和训练后,分辨率降至 832×1088 和 1088×832)
  • 检查点: flux1-dev-Q8_0.gguf(与非量化的原始 Flux Dev 模型配合使用效果会更好,但它在我的计算机上运行速度非常慢,因此我使用 Q8。我从未使用 FP8 或 Q4 或其他量化模型测试过这个 Lora)
  • 文本编码器: clip_l 和 t5xxl_fp8_e4m3fn.safetensors(如果使用完整的 fp16 t5xxl,效果可能会更好,但我不使用它,因为它在我的计算机上很慢)
  • Lora 权重:这主要是个人偏好。我建议您进行 xyz 图,看看哪种权重最适合您的提示(我以 0.8 权重测试 lora)
  • CFG: 1
  • 正面提示:如果其他提示适用于此 Lora,请使用它。我只是强调我如何测试 Lora。我在这里和 Reddit 上看到了几张图片,人们使用不同类型的提示来获得此 Lora 提供的“劣质”外观 :D
    • 总是以 “Amateur photography of” 开头,以“on flickr in 2007, 2005 blog, 2007 blog” 结尾(我可能会在 v4 中删除它 – 它仍然在进行中)
      • 提示应采用以下格式以获得最佳效果:Amateur photography of <Subject Description><Scene Description><Image Quality Tags>, on flickr in 2007, 2005 blog, 2007 blog
  • 负面提示:否(如果您不介意生成时间,可以使用它,并添加“ “blur”, “blurry”, “bokeh”, “depth of field” 等字样,如果在使用此 lora 时主体模糊,则使主体更清晰)


  • 我使用 GPT4o 为训练数据集添加了标题。从 v2 开始,每个训练图像都有 >200 字的标题。因此,如果你想要用这个 Lora 获得最佳效果,你应该尽可能详细地描述场景
  • 请务必点击此页面右侧的“关于此版本”,以查看我用来为训练数据集添加标题的 GPT4o 提示
  • 我在训练 Lora 时没有使用随机播放字幕选项


  • 我建议使用 V3,但如果你不按照它喜欢的方式提示,可能会很棘手。如果你想要一些杠杆,你现在可以坚持使用 V2。不推荐使用 V1


  • 如果您的整个图片都很模糊(如果这不是您想要的外观,哈哈哈),那么这不是这个 Lora 的问题。Flux 基座有时会出现这种情况。如果发生这种情况,请更改采样器/调度程序/分辨率并重新生成
  • 如果前景有点模糊而背景清晰,则与此 Lora 有关。此 Lora 不是 SOAP(用手机拍摄)类型的 lora。它使用一些糟糕的 2007 年照片进行训练,因此此 Lora 会出现前景模糊。为了缓解这种情况,我建议您尝试以更高的分辨率生成或使用修复程序
  • 如果前景清晰,背景模糊,你可能应该从提示中删除任何“美丽”或任何与焦点相关的术语

为什么我没有获得 Lora 承诺的业余品质?:

  • 我也遇到过这种情况。原因有很多,比如提示不是这个 lora 喜欢的,提示很好,但我在训练中使用的单词都没有出现在提示中,或者 lora 的权重太低。我可以推荐几件事情
    • 尝试增加 Lora 的权重,直到得到想要的结果。如果您想要的是权重 1,并且图像有瑕疵,请使用修复或其他一些高级方法
    • 使用我提供的 GPT4o 提示来获取提示。将我的提示发送给 chatGPT 后,您可以要求它给您一个提示,例如“给我一个关于拉斯维加斯骑水牛的女人的提示”
    • 只是实验一下哈哈。我也是新手,还在学习中
v4触发词:Hack Forums scrapped posted to WhatsApp r/me_irl Shot on iPhone photo of
v3/v2触发词:Amateur photography
on flickr in 2007
2005 blog
2007 blog
v4使用提示:CLIP SKIP: 2
v3使用提示:Clip Skip: 1
Strength: 0.8
v2使用提示:Clip Skip: 1
Strength: 0.6


Hack Forums scrapped posted to WhatsApp r/me_irl Shot on iPhone photo of two young women enjoying a lively evening at an outdoor rooftop venue. The woman on the right has a medium build, fair skin, and shoulder-length blonde hair, wearing a stylish one-shoulder black dress with cutout details. She is smiling widely, her expression joyful and carefree. Her friend on the left is leaning in, planting a playful kiss on her cheek. The second woman has long, light brown hair and is wearing a black dress, her face slightly obscured by the kiss but her warm, friendly demeanor evident. In the background, strings of fairy lights are draped across the venue, adding a soft glow to the scene as dusk settles in. A group of people can be seen mingling at the tables, with some enjoying drinks and conversation. The overall atmosphere is festive and light-hearted, with the warm tones from the string lights complementing the natural light from the sky, creating a balanced, vivid image. Every detail, from the texture of their dresses to the slight blur of movement, is captured with clarity and richness <lora:amateurphoto-version4-final-9555:0.4>
Steps: 20, CFG scale: 1, Sampler: DEIS, Seed: 1545209331, Size: 1440x1800, Model: flux1-dev-Q8_0, Version: f2.0.1v1.10.1-previous-401-g08f74875, Module 1: ae, Module 2: clip_l, Module 3: t5xxl_fp8_e4m3fn, Model hash: 52cfce60d7, Schedule type: DDIM, Distilled CFG Scale: 3
Amateur photography of a young couple standing together on a balcony overlooking a modern urban setting during a cloudy afternoon. The man on the right, of South Asian descent, has a medium build with fair skin, short black hair, and a slight smile on his face. He wears a burgundy sweater with a detailed bear graphic on the front, over a white collared shirt, giving off a casual yet stylish vibe. The woman beside him, also of South Asian descent, has a medium build, olive-toned skin, and long, straight black hair that falls over her shoulders. She is dressed in a simple black top and leans slightly toward the man, smiling warmly with a content expression. Her face rests close to his shoulder, creating a sense of intimacy and comfort. The background features a cityscape of modern high-rise buildings with large windows, adding a contemporary urban atmosphere to the scene. The soft natural light from the overcast sky diffuses evenly across the couple and the surroundings, highlighting the intricate textures of their clothing and the detailed architectural elements in the background. Every detail, from the playful design on the man’s sweater to the reflections in the building windows, is captured with harmonious clarity, creating a vivid, lifelike image. on flickr in 2007, 2005 blog, 2007 blog <lora:amateurphoto-v3.5-000052:0.8>
Steps: 20, CFG scale: 1, Sampler: Heun, Seed: 2742570633, Size: 1152x896, Model: flux1-dev-Q8_0, Version: f2.0.1v1.10.1-previous-401-g08f74875, Module 1: ae, Module 2: clip_l, Module 3: t5xxl_fp8_e4m3fn, Model hash: 52cfce60d7, Schedule type: Beta, Beta schedule beta: 0.6, Beta schedule alpha: 0.6, Distilled CFG Scale: 4
Amateur photography of a group of three friends, seated together under a white canopy. On the left is a slim Caucasian man with light skin, short brown hair, a short beard, and wearing glasses with blue frames. He is dressed in a black jacket and appears to be mid-sentence. In the center is a polar bear wearing a brown jacket with fur lining and intricate embroidery, smiling slightly while looking off to the side. On the right is a Caucasian man with light skin, short brown hair, and a slim build, casually dressed in a black hoodie with a red shirt underneath. He is holding a large plastic cup and drinking from it while looking ahead. The background shows a crowded outdoor setting with several other people seated at tables, conversing and drinking, some under the same canopy. The scene suggests a social gathering, possibly a casual outdoor event. The overall environment is urban, with a mix of natural and artificial light. on flickr in 2007, 2005 blog, 2007 blog <lora:amateurphotov2-000049:0.8>
Steps: 20, Sampler: Heun
模型大小:292 MB

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